Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Vecset Prototype
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Vecset for the XO
This weekend I intend to finish debugging my Python code for what will someday become the Vecset Code Editor, and then start translating it into Java. I'm a newbie when it comes to programming in Java. I'm most comfortable programming in Delphi, and I learned Python programming a few months ago.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
I like Java and I'm going to use it instead of Python to develop Vecset for Windows. Vecset will not run under Linux and will not run on the XO Laptop. Vecset will be closed source, not open source.
If Vecset is successful, I hope to sign up at least 1000 paying members/gamers, each of whom pays $15/year, and at least 200 paying members/developers, each of whom pays $30/year: gross income = $21,000/year or $1750/month.
Only gamers who are members can own real estate in Vecset World, and only game developers who are members can have customizable game rooms, located in the game building of their choice (game developers who are not members get the default game room in the default game building). Gamers who are members can store stuff, such as game-related info, in their virtual homes.
Anyone can roam the streets, buildings, and game rooms of Vecset World, logged on as a guest. Also, guests can kibitz games in progress. To play a game, you must register first, entering your name, email address, and screen name. You don't need to download anything to play games, as all games run in your web browser. To create games, you must download the Vecset IDE (game editor).
Monday, September 15, 2008
The next steps in the development of Vecset are as follows:
- Finish debugging the newly added classes in the Code
Editor - Upload Python source code to Vecset.net
- Write an OLPC wiki for Vecset
- Apply to OLPC for project hosting
- Post a help-wanted notice on the OLPC Games mailing list
- Continue implementing the Vecset shell
New Vecset Business Model:
Everyone can play/create games for free. Those who elect to become members (paying $15/year, or $30/year for game developers) can own places to live (and store game-related info) and customizable game rooms. Game developers who are non-members get a generic game lobby, located in the default game building (depending on its genre), and they can't customize it very much. So Vecset is a lot like Second Life.
Unlike Second Life, the outer environment (when the user is not in a game) is 2-dimensional, consisting of 2 rectangular windows side-by-side (split screen). One window is always an overhead view, and the other window is split into 2 windows: left-side/right-side, or front/rear. The user uses the cursor keys to go forward (up arrow), left, right, stop (down arrow), or make a 180-degree turn (down arrow while stopped). Pressing Enter carries out the default primary user action, and pressing Space carries out the default secondary user action. Pressing Tab highlights the next command in an onscreen menu. Clicking the mouse in the non-overhead view toggles between left/right and front/rear. Ctrl+Left Arrow and Ctrl+Right Arrow rotates the overhead view 90 degrees in the given direction.
Monday, February 4, 2008
Past, Present, and Future
For newcomers to this blog, OLPC stands for One Laptop Per Child, a non-profit organization which aims to distribute millions of $175 laptops to schoolchildren in developing countries. Each laptop (called an XO Laptop) is Linux-based, includes Python (a free programming language), and comes equipped with wireless, peer-to-peer networking.
- Design Treescript programming language
- Design board-game components
- Design animation components
- Create web site documenting the Treenimation project
- Implement the Delphi version of the TIL Loader
- Start this blog
- Announce Treenimation project to OLPC Games mailing list
- Purchase XO Laptop ("give 1, get 1": buy a laptop and at the same time donate another laptop to OLPC)
- Install Linux on my home computer
- Install Windows version of Python on home computer
- Install PyGTK and Glade on home computer
- Write "Hello, world" program in Python (an ultra-simple program that does very little, but it works)
- Modify above program to display the user interface of the Delphi version of the TIL Loader
- Create basic classes of in-memory program tree using Python, for the TIL Loader
- Lay the foundations for the heavy-duty Python coding necessary to implement the TIL Loader
- Implement the core functionality of the TIL Loader
- Temporarily change the page size constant from 1000 to 50, in order to test the multipage functionality of the TIL Loader
- Translate the Delphi code which handles user input of arrow keys (to traverse the program tree) into Python
- Implement the non-core functionality of the TIL Loader
- Update web site: both Treescript and Python can be used to create games
- Install PyGTK and Glade for Linux on home computer
- Port TIL Loader from Windows to Linux (hopefully I can reuse my 3 Python source code files without modification)
- Apply to OLPC for web hosting of Treenimation project (application not yet processed)
- Advertise on the OLPC Games mailing list the position of Chief Linux Developer, which is basically an unpaid position, but if Treenimation eventually makes money, the Chief Linux Developer will receive 10 percent of the gross income of Treenimation.net
- Write the detailed job description of the Chief Linux Developer, who will implement the Treenimation Integrated Development Environment (TIDE), or code editor, including the design specs of the TIDE, and post it on the Treenimation web site: http://www.treenimation.net/
- Hire the Chief Linux Developer, Jake Beard
- Sugarize the Linux version of the TIL Loader, enabling it to run on the XO Laptop
- Work on Treenimation development at least 16 hours/week (6 hours on the weekend, mostly on Sunday, 6 hours on Thursday, 2 hours on Tuesday, and a total of 2 hours on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday evenings)
- Implement the Treenimation Runtime
- Implement the Treescript Compiler
- Build the Treenopolis web site, a destination for users of Treenimation (both game developers and game players)
- Implement the rating/membership system, whereby avid gamers who need to know their ratings/rankings in every game they play are charged an annual membership fee of $24 (all XO Laptop users play for free)
- Donate 25 percent of gross income of Treenimation.net to OLPC
- Start version 2.0 of Treenimation, which adds support for animated games (not just multiplayer board games)
- Advertise Treenimation.net on PBeM Server mailing list (Play By eMail, a site for email-based board games boasting 2000 members)
- Implement Treescript versions of PBeM games developed by Cameron Browne, and pay him royalties
Monday, January 7, 2008
Goals of Treenimation
The all-encompassing goal of Treenimation is ease of use. Here are the other goals, in descending order of importance:
- The income from avid gamers, who are charged $24/year, exceeds expenses, such as web hosting fees, enabling Treenimation.net to donate a percentage of the profits to OLPC.
- OLPC kids (One Laptop Per Child, see http://www.laptop.org), with minimal support from their teachers, can use Treenimation to create drag-and-drop multiplayer board games.
- Non-programming adults and teens can easily use Treenimation to create drag-and-drop multiplayer board games, without being coached by Treenimation gurus and/or tech support.
- Non-programming high school students and undergraduates can learn Treescript as a first programming language more easily than any other Graphical User Interface (GUI) programming tool.
- Programming novices (who are already familiar with at least one other GUI programming tool) can master Treescript in one month or less, on their own, with little or no coaching from Treenimation gurus and/or tech support.
- Advanced programmers can master Treescript as easily as falling off the proverbial log, unlike most existing GUI programming tools.
- A vibrant Treenimation community blossoms, consisting of game developers and game players from all around the world and including OLPC users.