Monday, November 12, 2007

Ordered XO Laptop

I just invested $400 in my Treenimation project, by ordering an XO Laptop (and donating one at the same time). So there's no turning back now, I'm committed to learning Python, PyGtk, Sugar, and Linux (or I will have wasted all that money). The next steps are to translate my TIL Loader into Python, and then install Linux/Sugar on a separate partition on my home computer. Later I must bring my computer to work so I can install our development tools on it (so I can work from home, only going in to the office on Mondays and Wednesdays).

Sunday, November 11, 2007

All in Python

Please disregard my previous post. I am not going to use Delphi to implement part of Treenimation. Instead, I am implementing both the Windows and Linux versions of Treenimation in Python. This month I intend to acquire an XO Laptop, which I will use to test the Linux version of Treenimation. The To-Do list in my previous post, Working from Home, is still valid, except I can skip Step 4 (I don't need Partition Magic).

Friday, November 2, 2007

Dual Treenimation Versions

I plan to implement the Treenimation Runtime in Python for both the Windows and Linux versions. However, I intend to maintain 2 versions of Treenimation Builder (the part that lets you create your own games): the full Windows version will be written in Delphi, and the less feature-rich Linux/XO version will be written in Python.

Implementation Phases:

  1. Translate TIL Loader from Delphi to Python
  2. Install Linux/Python/PyGtk/Sugar etc.
  3. Port TIL Loader from Windows to Linux
  4. Implement Windows version of Treenimation Runtime using Python/PyGtk
  5. Port Treenimation Runtime to Linux
  6. Implement Treescript Compiler using Delphi
  7. Implement Linux version of Treescript Compiler using Python
  8. Add animation capability to Treenimation Runtime using PyGame
  9. Implement Windows version of Treenimation Integrated Development Environment (TIDE) using Delphi
  10. Implement more limited Linux version of TIDE using Python
  11. Start building the Treenopolis web site (City of Games) for Windows/Linux

So after Phase 6 is completed, Windows users will be able to create games (using the text editor of their choice), and XO users will be able to play those games, but won’t be able to create their own games until after Phase 7 is completed.

I’m still in the early stages of learning Python. It seems like a nice language but it’s a lot different from the Object Pascal/Java/C#-style languages that I’m used to. The Treescript Compiler is perhaps the hardest part of Treenimation to implement. Being able to use a familiar tool (Delphi) for that job seems less intimidating to me. That's how I rationalize it, anyway.

Phase 4 is a big job. Maybe by the time I complete that phase I will be confident enough in Python to ditch Delphi and just use Python to implement Treenimation Builder.